It's been almost 6 months since I last update my blog, all was going well for 5 of those 6 months so I guess I didn't have much to blog about but the past 5-6 weeks rattled our lives again. What frustrates me most is my mom's doctor at Duke who did not listen to her and our concerns for 4 weeks about a new pain in her right a cancer patient it would only make sense to me that I look into the new pain and not brush it off or "assume" nothing is really wrong. Well, when her doctor finally did a CT Scan because my mom was already scheduled for one it illustrated exactly why she was having this new pain: tumor rapidly grew larger and spread to new areas. A simple scan could have shown us this weeks ago and it would have never gotten to the point it did with my mom that lead her to gaining 15 lbs of fluid in a week and having to get about 4 liters of fluid pumped out of her stomach but that wasn't the worst part about it....the worst part was letting my mom suffer through excruciating pain just because her doctor didn't take any action!!!! I thought doctors were there to listen to their patients and help in any way they can, not prolong pain until they feel like it's finally time to check. I can't believe it happened that way but it we searched for second opinions elsewhere and decided to get a new chemo treatment in GA since her Duke doctor also gave us a defeated demeanor and didn't have many alternative options for my mom, almost as if she was uninterested in exploring other alternatives.
So as a result of a series of bad events with her Duke doctor we are now being seen in GA every 3 weeks for chemo that consists of Carboplatin and Avastin, she was on Ifosfimide/Mesna/Taxol but I guess that stopped working for her. Her doctor in GA was a lot more concerned and they took quick action and made sure to take a double look at everything so that they weren't missing anything, he also gave us a variety of potential alternatives for tackling this cancer....I think he is willing to try any and everything to help my mom even knowing that this rare cancer (only happens in about a dozen female per year) does not have many drugs available with a proven track record. I much rather have a doctor who is going to try his best than not try anything at all.
When we found out how bad things had gotten I felt the same way I did when we first found out she had cancer but I have been able to bounce back now knowing we have a better doctor and she will be treated at a better facility. This helps put me a little at ease even though she continues to have stomach pain a lot. On her next visit she will have chemo as well as a camera traveling down to her stomach and surrounding areas to make sure there are no other issues going on. I hope nothing else is wrong and that she can start feeling better soon.
I could go on and on about the frustration but that won't do anything except make me madder so I'm just looking forward to the holidays and I pray this new chemo treatment works for my mom!!
Tuesday, December 3, 2013
Tuesday, June 25, 2013
Mommy Is Doing Well
It's been about 2 months since I last posted an the midst of relocating, starting a new job, and getting my house ready for move in I've been pretty tied up. But now that things are starting to settle, I wanted to give a brief update. My mom has been doing well on chemo and I'm SUPER PROUD of her and her fight!! She is determined to do all she can do to beat this cancer, and with her determination and GOD, I know it will be possible.
She took her first trip out of NC since her diagnosis this past week to New York to celebrate her nephew's high school graduation. I'm glad she took the time to go, she really didn't want to go but my aunt (her sister) insisted so she left my mom no choice :-) My dad went with her and had a nice time away from it's back to the hospital for round 5 of chemo. I consistently pray that each time she gets a new CT Scan that the results will show the cancer far it does appear to be getting smaller which is great news. Now if we can just completely get rid of it that would be even better! My gut is telling me we will probably need 8 rounds of chemo, but we really won't know until mid July, it all depends on what the doctor lets my mom but my mom is all for it!!
It's been great moving back home to be with her, it's a big weight off my shoulders, but having to face the reality of what could be is still frustrating and upsets me a lot. That's what I need to work on, but I'm only human and it's my mom so how can you not worry?! But I still have never questioned God and will not question Him....I just pray every day that my mom beats this and can continue to live a long healthy life. I thought since things are going pretty well with her treatment and her physical status that I would feel better but this journey still tends to get me down more often than I would like. But now that I'm training for the 5K run, it has become an avenue of stress relief...I have time to reflect and remind myself of why I'm doing it :-)
She took her first trip out of NC since her diagnosis this past week to New York to celebrate her nephew's high school graduation. I'm glad she took the time to go, she really didn't want to go but my aunt (her sister) insisted so she left my mom no choice :-) My dad went with her and had a nice time away from it's back to the hospital for round 5 of chemo. I consistently pray that each time she gets a new CT Scan that the results will show the cancer far it does appear to be getting smaller which is great news. Now if we can just completely get rid of it that would be even better! My gut is telling me we will probably need 8 rounds of chemo, but we really won't know until mid July, it all depends on what the doctor lets my mom but my mom is all for it!!
It's been great moving back home to be with her, it's a big weight off my shoulders, but having to face the reality of what could be is still frustrating and upsets me a lot. That's what I need to work on, but I'm only human and it's my mom so how can you not worry?! But I still have never questioned God and will not question Him....I just pray every day that my mom beats this and can continue to live a long healthy life. I thought since things are going pretty well with her treatment and her physical status that I would feel better but this journey still tends to get me down more often than I would like. But now that I'm training for the 5K run, it has become an avenue of stress relief...I have time to reflect and remind myself of why I'm doing it :-)
Monday, April 29, 2013
Monthly Update
Well my mom finished her second round of chemo and even returned to work afterwards, she was happy and everyone at work both employees and customers were thrilled to have her back. Everything has been going well with her blood counts, etc but she has easily been getting sick :-(
Yesterday evening she had a very high fever and after coming to the emergency room she was admitted to stay for a couple days....after reviewing some preliminary test results it appears she has pneumonia in one of her lungs. I have to admit I wanted to cry when they told us because I don't want to hear about any further complications, but I was strong and didn't shed a tear, I didn't want to worry my mom. So we're here in the hospital as she receives antibiotics to fight that....
Praying all goes well!!!
Yesterday evening she had a very high fever and after coming to the emergency room she was admitted to stay for a couple days....after reviewing some preliminary test results it appears she has pneumonia in one of her lungs. I have to admit I wanted to cry when they told us because I don't want to hear about any further complications, but I was strong and didn't shed a tear, I didn't want to worry my mom. So we're here in the hospital as she receives antibiotics to fight that....
Praying all goes well!!!
Tuesday, April 2, 2013
Week 1 Complete
My mom will need to have at least 6 rounds of chemo and we have completed the first round last week, 5 more to go. Her treatment will take place every 3 weeks and I'm looking forward to the improvements. I know and I have heard that with each additional treatment she could potentially feel more exhausted and more nauseous than normal so I am prepping myself mentally to know that's coming up. But for now I am taking it one day at a time and enjoying all the time I am able to spend with her and being there for anything she needs.
My aunt (her sister) was able to come see us for the week which was great for my mom to have a distraction and somethign to look forward to after leaving the hospital. Before I came back to Greensboro last night she hugged me and thanked me for mom doesn't need to thank me for anything though, that's what I'm here :-)
I didn't realize how fast each week of chemo would approach us, the next one is April 15th. But in a way that's good and I look forward to it because that allows me an entire week to spend time with her! I just ask that everyone cotinue to keep her in their prayers, I pray everyday that God will heal her and allow her to live a long healthy life.
My aunt (her sister) was able to come see us for the week which was great for my mom to have a distraction and somethign to look forward to after leaving the hospital. Before I came back to Greensboro last night she hugged me and thanked me for mom doesn't need to thank me for anything though, that's what I'm here :-)
I didn't realize how fast each week of chemo would approach us, the next one is April 15th. But in a way that's good and I look forward to it because that allows me an entire week to spend time with her! I just ask that everyone cotinue to keep her in their prayers, I pray everyday that God will heal her and allow her to live a long healthy life.
Thursday, March 21, 2013
Help support my team
I recently decided to participate in the 10th Annual Gail Parkins Memorial
Ovarian Cancer Walk & 5K Run event on Saturday, September 14, 2013. I
would love to have any family and friends available on this day to please
join me for the walk or the run or both...I have signed up to do both
If you're not able to come out that day you can still help support my team by making a donation. My mom was diagnosed with a rare form of ovarian cancer on February 20th, 2013 so this event really means a lot to me, I want to be a part of a great cause, and everyone's support means a lot to me, her, and my family. The money we raise for this event will help support research and awareness of ovarian cancer.
We need your support, so please do anything you can by joining my team or by making a donation to my team! Any amount, big or small, will be appreciated. Please spread the word and help support my team:
You can click on the tab at the top of this page
"Support My Team" and it will take you straight to my page. Or you can follow this link:

If you're not able to come out that day you can still help support my team by making a donation. My mom was diagnosed with a rare form of ovarian cancer on February 20th, 2013 so this event really means a lot to me, I want to be a part of a great cause, and everyone's support means a lot to me, her, and my family. The money we raise for this event will help support research and awareness of ovarian cancer.
We need your support, so please do anything you can by joining my team or by making a donation to my team! Any amount, big or small, will be appreciated. Please spread the word and help support my team:
You can click on the tab at the top of this page
"Support My Team" and it will take you straight to my page. Or you can follow this link:
Brief Update
Our last doctor appointment was Monday, March 18th and unfortunately we received additional news we didn't want to hear....the cancer has spread into her liver now. So Monday was another shock and Tuesday was a pretty emotional day for me...sometimes it doesn't quite hit me until I leave her side and come back to Greensboro. But I'm feeling a little better now that my dad and I have figured out how to proceed with her treatment, care, etc.
Since my mom has a rare form of ovarian cancer called carcinosarcoma, we've decided to take part in a clinical trial at Duke and she'll start chemo on Monday, March 25th. The chemo treatment will require her to stay in the hospital overnight Monday-Thursday and returning Friday for a shot....repeating every 3 weeks for the next 18 weeks.
I know this will be a tough process but I'm happy to be right by her side each step of the way and do all that I can for her. My dad and I are going to do everything that it takes to get the best treatment available and search all options. So I have also been researching and reading about other treatment centers and will probably be looking into getting a 2nd opinion from MD Anderson in Houston, Texas who are ranked #1 in the US. I can honestly say I'm glad we only live 15 minutes away from the top treatment center in NC: DUKE HOSPITAL!

Facing the unknown is really scary so if anyone reading this can offer any advice, tips, suggestions, etc please do so. Once again I appreciate all the calls and messages, thanks for the prayers and support. Everyone please keep praying for my mom through this journey.
Since my mom has a rare form of ovarian cancer called carcinosarcoma, we've decided to take part in a clinical trial at Duke and she'll start chemo on Monday, March 25th. The chemo treatment will require her to stay in the hospital overnight Monday-Thursday and returning Friday for a shot....repeating every 3 weeks for the next 18 weeks.
I know this will be a tough process but I'm happy to be right by her side each step of the way and do all that I can for her. My dad and I are going to do everything that it takes to get the best treatment available and search all options. So I have also been researching and reading about other treatment centers and will probably be looking into getting a 2nd opinion from MD Anderson in Houston, Texas who are ranked #1 in the US. I can honestly say I'm glad we only live 15 minutes away from the top treatment center in NC: DUKE HOSPITAL!

Facing the unknown is really scary so if anyone reading this can offer any advice, tips, suggestions, etc please do so. Once again I appreciate all the calls and messages, thanks for the prayers and support. Everyone please keep praying for my mom through this journey.
Wednesday, March 13, 2013
"Woman of Teal"
of you might be wondering why I chose the name "woman of teal"
and the meaning behind it.
it’s a play on words for “Man of Steel”. I really wanted something meaningful,
powerful and something that would incorporate the ovarian cancer awareness
color which is TEAL. But most importantly something that would represent my mom’s strong and
powerful will so that’s how I came up with name “Woman of Teal”. In
my eyes my mom has always been as powerful as a man of steel.
mother is such a strong individual so I know she will fight and give it her all
to get through this. I will also give it my all and give her all
the love and support she needs at this time as she has ALWAYS given me!! I'm
so thankful and blessed for the SPECIAL mother/daughter/bestfriend BOND that we share. There's no greater feeling in the world than to have a GREAT WOMAN in my life to
call MOMMY and yes I still call her that to this day. My mom has done so
many great things for me and she takes so much pride in her family, she
is truly the backbone for each of us. Anyone that personally knows Tina knows
that she LOVES her FAMILY UNCONDITIONALLY...she will talk you to death about us :-) My mom is a great and wonderful person but unfortunately cancer does
not choose good or bad people....this is the hand we were dealt but with God,
faith, prayer, love, and support we will be winners at this game.
Love you mom; love you
more than I could ever love anyone!
There will be an Ovarian Cancer Walk in September in Raleigh that I will also
blog about soon with additional information. I'm looking forward to creating a
team of supporters!
My team name will be Woman of Teal :-)
Monday, March 11, 2013
The words that changed our lives...
Wednesday February 20th, 2013 at about 1:30pm my ears witnessed the most
devastating news ever "I'm sorry but your mother does have cancer"

keep it short and simple today. But I do
want to thank each and every one of my friends that already knew about this and
have been checking up on my mom's progress since her surgery and also simply
checking up on me. Thanks for all your
prayers, support, and love!!
now been 20 days since her surgery and I've decided to be more open about this
new chapter in my life. I realized that
in the last couple days I’ve been reading other people's stories who are dealing
with similar situations and it has helped a little because this is all very new
to me. Just reading the progress and
improvement of others, but most importantly the success of others in their
recovery through this battle has really been comforting. So now I've decided to share my story through
my mother's journey in hopes of helping others and to bring more awareness to
ovarian cancer. Unfortunately it is such
a "silent" cancer in the sense that there are no screenings or
testing that can be done early on and most woman who are diagnosed already has
the cancer spreading. But I'll save more of my research for another day.
are still so many thoughts running through my mind each day, some days are
good, some days are bad, and some days I can go from good to bad in a split
second. Church has been so much help for me, I know I will always hear great
words and comforting words to help me get through this. And more than ever I know I need God to help
my mother and my family get through this journey, he is the only one that can
determine the outcome. I try not to read
too much of the statistics related to this cancer and I try not to replay those
words from the doctor “some of my patients with this cancer have been able to
live up to 10 years”. Those words were
truly a sword to my heart but I know with God’s help my mother will be able to
live a much longer life.

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