Monday, March 11, 2013

The words that changed our lives...

On Wednesday February 20th, 2013 at about 1:30pm my ears witnessed the most devastating news ever "I'm sorry but your mother does have cancer"

It's now been 20 days since her surgery and I've decided to be more open about this new chapter in my life.  I realized that in the last couple days I’ve been reading other people's stories who are dealing with similar situations and it has helped a little because this is all very new to me.  Just reading the progress and improvement of others, but most importantly the success of others in their recovery through this battle has really been comforting.  So now I've decided to share my story through my mother's journey in hopes of helping others and to bring more awareness to ovarian cancer.  Unfortunately it is such a "silent" cancer in the sense that there are no screenings or testing that can be done early on and most woman who are diagnosed already has the cancer spreading. But I'll save more of my research for another day.

There are still so many thoughts running through my mind each day, some days are good, some days are bad, and some days I can go from good to bad in a split second. Church has been so much help for me, I know I will always hear great words and comforting words to help me get through this.  And more than ever I know I need God to help my mother and my family get through this journey, he is the only one that can determine the outcome.  I try not to read too much of the statistics related to this cancer and I try not to replay those words from the doctor “some of my patients with this cancer have been able to live up to 10 years”.  Those words were truly a sword to my heart but I know with God’s help my mother will be able to live a much longer life.

I’ll keep it short and simple today.  But I do want to thank each and every one of my friends that already knew about this and have been checking up on my mom's progress since her surgery and also simply checking up on me.  Thanks for all your prayers, support, and love!!



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